Monday 5 December 2011

Ongoing Cookie Adventures...

I do love making cookies! I bake up several kinds at this time of year, usually staying with the old reliable favorites that my family enjoys.  However, this year I wanted to try some new ones.
I cleared a spot on the coffee table and proceeded to collect all of my cookie magazines, cookie cookbooks, and piles of loose recipes torn out of magazines or on packages of baking products.  I sat down and sorted out piles, looked through just a few of the many books and magazines and finally picked out several interesting recipes.  I wanted to get a jump start on the process so I mixed up a few batches of different kinds of dough and halved them, putting half in the fridge (for trying out now), and half in the freezer (for Christmas).
I couldn't wait to get something in the oven to try, so I decided on a small batch of Pecan Florentines.  I had made these many years ago, and remembered how fragile and delicious they were. 
Off we go.....
There are very few ingredients in them and you can only cook five or so at a time because the teaspoon full you place on the tray, bubbles and expands into a lacy, flat circle.  (PS- don't try this recipe without a silpat! Been there, done that!)

After they cool for a few minutes, you carefully curl them over the end of a wooden spoon....

They were great!
The next morning, I went in the fridge to pull out a one of the other kinds of cookie doughs and I was completely mystified.  I looked at the dough, and looked at it, and for the life of me I could not remember what cookie it was supposed to be... was it a shortbread, biscotti, drop cookie, cutout cookie....?  It was as if I made the dough in my sleep!  I had no idea how to cook it, not having labeled the darn thing! I looked around for the recipe and couldn't find it because I had cleaned up all the loose papers and books before I went to bed!

(It took me hours before I was able to figure out what it was- I realized it had mini chips in it and I remembered that I used mini's for a reason.  Looking though the recipes, I finally found one that said to use the mini chips.  As it turned out, it was a chocolate chip shortbread
.........and they were great too!)

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