Thursday 7 July 2011

Web Abduction and the "Free Association" Game

My husband asked me if I had been abducted again.  Yes, I was gone for hours.  Started out in one place, hours later ended up somewhere else, way off course as to where I started, have no idea how I got there. Web Abduction.  It's the new "Free Association" game.  (Oh, I know that game-PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!)  Started out on the computer with a general search for spiders, then Florida spiders, then spider traps and control (did you know "spiders" are something in your computer, too), sticky traps, how to make homemade sticky traps, where is there a local hardware store, google earth to see where exactly that store is, look up old neighborhoods to see the houses where we used to live, look up the old delapitated house on the hill from my childhood(- the one used as the setting for the paranormal book I wrote several years ago and never tried to get published).
 Took a nap and dreamt about the house, except it was being renovated and sort of was like the Winchester house- several stairways that ended at the top, weird rooms, hallways leading no where. 
The "Free Association"game is always fun.  I'll bet you are playing it right now and that's how you got here!!  Hope to see you again!

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