Friday 22 July 2011

What is the Soul?

I believe the soul is energy made from memories of people, places, and things we have had an emotional connection to and we take a little bit of everyone or everything we influence and who influence us, with us through life making us who we are. 

 As I was having my morning cup of coffee on our lanai, gazing over my many potted plumeria, I wondered, “If something happened to me today and I was gone forever, what would my husband do with my precious plants? Would he move to a smaller house and leave them here? Would he plant them in the ground here or take them with him and plant them some where else? Would they bring him comfort or sadness?”

I was raised Catholic, but no longer practice or believe in a heaven or hell. I believe the soul is energy and is can’t be destroyed. Way back in college, I studied Physiology and Psychology. I have always believed that body and soul are separate.

 I recently watched an episode of Through the Worm Hole - Is There Life After Death?. One theory discussed on the show was that anyone who has ever influenced you has effected who you are, and therefore, has become part of your soul. The more emotion involved in the experience, the stronger the impression on your soul.

So, because I love these plants and because they have affected me, then pieces of them are "imprinted" on my soul. When the plant dies or I die, that energy which had influenced, remains within what was emotionally connected with.

 When someone close to us dies, perhaps there is some comfort in believing that the soul of the person you loved is still here; some of their energy remains in us and in those they influenced and loved.

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